AH Plumbing & Heating
Save Money with AH Plumbing & Heating and FortisBC
Did you know there are many rebates and incentives that save you money on your heating bills?
Contact us at AH Plumbing and Heating at (604) 989-3056 and we will help you save!
AH Plumbing & Heating is your full service plumbing and heating contractor here on the Sunshine Coast, BC. We are a member of the FortisBC Trade Ally Network. Our registration with this network gives you the peace of mind that we meet FortisBC's standards for installation and maintenance of your equipment. Gas Contractor License # LGA0202200 You can count on AH Plumbing & Heating's quality workmanship. |
In addition to regular plumbing services, AH Plumbing Works offers a Drain Camera for inspections, but it isn't just for drains! It can also be used for inspections of gutters, septic systems, interior spaces, and more; an opening of 1 1/2" or larger is all that is needed. |
AH Plumbing & Heating is a full service Plumbing & Heating company. Please let us know if you have any questions or need a Plumbing & Heating service not listed above.
AH Plumbing & Heating (604) 989-3056
The Artwood Group (604) 740-7648